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Mission statement
ReMake is a reduce, reuse, and recycle craft initiative aimed at encouraging crafters and
non-crafters alike to create with, fix, and extend the lifecycle of everything.
Since childhood we have been taught the 3 Rs -- reduce, reuse, and recycle. But, while that
now well-worn phrase might be catchy, memorable marketing, it belies the many obstacles
inherent in responsibly managing the waste of 8 billion humans. And in fact, many faithful
adherents of the 3 Rs have been disappointed to discover their efforts wasted. They religiously
donate to thrift stores only to discover 60% of their donations end up in
landfills right along with their carefully sorted recyclables.
These realities then leave the individual 2 avenues to control their impact; by
reducing new items purchased, thereby shrinking the waste stream, and by reusing and
recycling waste at home. ReMake addresses this need by encouraging people to extend the
life of their “trash” through the creative DIY process.